This time shall go into the various Game format:
Okay, all will know about the already no brainer game of "Tag Matches", 2 sides lined up and all hell breaks loose. The side with surviving players WINS.
Simple right ?
No doubt, it is fun but after many repeated play. It will grow boring.
In fact, it is important that Nerf game organizers continuously rewrite the rules of play throughout their hobby.
One has to keep confounding the players who always seek to exploit loopholes in the game rules, surprising them with innovation and variations.
For one, after too many plays of "Tag Matches", the players would have adjusted. They would have whittled away at the rules or will done an "end run" around them. ie, circumventing existing rules and winning conditions.
When the organizers says it is time to change the rules, there will be players who will try to oppose, they would denounced what sort of bullying is that. Well, ignore that.
Nerf organizers have an implicit duty to hold the players in interest of playing new Nerf games rules. In fact, players hold game organizer considerable respect ( Mind you. That respect has to be earned, that's why most game organizers are either experienced Nerf Players or have considerable age like Pappy Boyington.)
Of course, that begs the questions of where to get the idea from ?
The Library or The Internet. :)
If William Shakespeare at times borrows ideas and adapts accordingly. Why not ?
Make a Nerf Version of Little Big Horn, The Alamo, Paul Revere's Run, Siege of Yorktown.
( No offense, but they do make fresh ideas for adaptation of Nerf wars.)
Moar on Game Adaption in the next writing :)
Credits to many of Richard Marcinko's books for inspirations.