Thursday, July 25, 2013

Size matters ? Rather Gameplay matters !

Here goes nothing; apologies in advance for those whom I may rub your nerve the wrong way.

The subject I would like to talk / say / discuss about is :
" Does the range or size of my blaster matters in a Nerf game ?"

For the record, I would like to use the term "Nerf war" but for the sake of projecting a positive image to the general public. I used "Nerf Game" instead of "war".

I try to not use aggressive sounding terms like "Kill" , "bullets"or "gun".
Instead, I for one replaced them will "tag", "darts" or "blaster".

I wholly agree what famed blog "Urban Taggers" says " Because Conflicts does not always have to hurt ".  And that is what Nerf is all about - fast paced fun punctuated by short period of sheer excitement.

It is not about a Spitting Match or a Private-Parts comparing match.

While I personally am aware of increasing the range through modding. That is just a PART of Nerfing. It does not constitute a major part of the game. The major part of the game, I believe the game's scenario, how the organizer or the game master made it up.

Yes, I agree that making the game "KISS" = Keep It Simple, Stupid dictum.
 Courtesy of The Rogue Warrior, Dickie Marcinko.

Team Tag match; the most simple and base of most Nerf game.

Team A versus Team B in a showdown, the winning team being the ones with the surviving players after grand showdown.

Everyone understand somewhere along the way, a wee bit of competitiveness creeps in and players would try to get some advantage by modding extras into the blasters.  Like the range, one could plummet the opponent with minimal risk ( at least that was the idea / perception ).

Problem is - it is two way tagging street. The opponent could do the same too.

Eventually the whole game will degenerate into a turtling match where players do almost nothing to venture out and capture the ground they are fighting over with.
While a draw game is everyone's favourite ending. It is in a way absurd because that is like wasting everyone's time.

Why ? There is no winners or losers !

For Pete's sake, it is not like the Aztecs.
The losers gets gutted and chopped up in the name of some deity. 
Or the winners get free booze and get laid by chicks !

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Confession: **Upotte**

This is one of the anime that gave me brain fuel to 
adapt Nerf Games / Wars scenario based games.

Here are the links!!!!

If one can see past the banal banter and the carnal bits, the "Annual Seishou Academy Team Battle" episode and the Episode 10, really ROCKS.

For those history buffs, Ep. 10 is a referance to the 

"Tet Offensive" in the Vietnam War. 

The main characters were challenged by Red Steel High School.

(Red being an allegory for "Commies"; 
Red Steel signifying Red Commie weaponry. ) 

The town they were in lit up like a paintball machine when the Reds attacked....

The 4th Anniversary of NerfSG starts.....

This is where we all savour our anniversary @ 
Pasir Ris East Community Center 
Thanks for allowing us play & party @ your premises ! :)

See ya Next Year ( I think....)
Meanwhile ** PLAY HARD **

Friday, May 3, 2013

NerfSG 4th anniversary photo shoot commemoration

This was done at middle of April 2013 to commemorate the 4th anniversary.

Hey, we needed something for the memories, right ?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

NerfSG 4th anniversary Coming Up

Hi all

Sorry about the previous few weeks.
Have been busy arranging the commemoration stuff.
Now I know that to some, this is something that is not really big deal.

But to us here, it is.

In a country where trends and fads can change faster than I can change my socks, it is A BIG DEAL.

I will be posting more later.

Now off to work aka grinding.....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Game of Foam Darts Part 2

On the next part here,

Ever heard of the Kobayashi Maru ?
This occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those 
familiar with the series to describe a no-win scenario, or a solution that involves redefining the problem.

The Kobayashi Maru scenario is used as an example of the need to redefine the foundation upon which a Nerf game/war competes—changing the rules rather than playing within a rigged game—as an example of successful tactic.

James T Kirk explains in Star Trek that the test is meant to reveal how the subject deals with a no-win scenario, as how one deals with death is as important as how one deals with life. 

Later in the film, Kirk says that the exercise is a true "no-win scenario," because there is no correct resolution--it is a test of character.

Which brings to the famous "300" Nerf Game scenario of NerfSG.

Yes, it is unashamedly takes the name from Zack Synder's film, "300". :)

The setup used is to be used as an approximate reference, please tailor accordingly :)

"300" Nerf Game setup
6 players ( Defenders )
18 players ( Attacker)

The defender = YOLO ( You Only Live Once ) = Once tagged, Out of the Game
The attacker = Once tagged, exit arena & re-enter at a designated point.

Game Time : 5 minutes duration

Objective: The attackers is to tag all the defenders within set time. 

Attackers tag all the defenders to win.
Defenders are to hold out for entire duration to win.

For added handicap, the defenders can be allowed to barricade or choose a favoured defensive ground to hold.

5 mins to set up and dig in for the ATTACK.

Ultimately the significance of the "300" scenario is not to embarrass or haze players. It is to be used as stark reminders that, not matter how kick-ass, pro-ness or how tricked up the blasters they are having in their hands they are will be tagged, either from aimed, luck or overwhelming odds. It is also good fun and a good game strengthen their nerves in the face of Great Odds.

Yes, there are teams who actually hold off the attackers and won this scenario.
It is not unwinnable. 
But it needs to think outside the box :D

This is BS, signing off for now :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Game of Foam Darts Part 1

Now it is done with the Basic Safety conditions & Law / Order issues.

This time shall go into the various Game format:

Okay, all will know about the already no brainer game of "Tag Matches", 2 sides lined up and all hell breaks loose. The side with surviving players WINS.

Simple right ?

No doubt, it is fun but after many repeated play. It will grow boring.

In fact, it is important that Nerf game organizers continuously rewrite the rules of play throughout their hobby.

One has to keep confounding the players who always seek to exploit loopholes in the game rules, surprising them with innovation and variations.

For one, after too many plays of "Tag Matches", the players would have adjusted. They would have whittled away at the rules or will done an "end run" around them. ie, circumventing existing rules and winning conditions.

When the organizers says it is time to change the rules, there will be players who will try to oppose, they would denounced what sort of bullying is that. Well, ignore that.

Nerf organizers have an implicit duty to hold the players in interest of playing new Nerf games rules. In fact, players hold game organizer considerable respect ( Mind you. That respect has to be earned, that's why most game organizers are either experienced Nerf Players or have considerable age like Pappy Boyington.)

Of course, that begs the questions of where to get the idea from ?

The Library or The Internet. :)

If William Shakespeare at times borrows ideas and adapts accordingly. Why not ?

Make a Nerf Version of Little Big Horn, The Alamo, Paul Revere's Run, Siege of Yorktown.
( No offense, but they do make fresh ideas for adaptation of Nerf wars.)

Moar on Game Adaption in the next writing :)

Credits to many of Richard Marcinko's books for inspirations.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Public Law & Order

Here is the next part, 
these below have to be heavily emphasized.

Tips for Public Safety

  1. When going to a Nerf Game, do use a bag of suitable size to transport your Blasters.  
  2. It is not advisable to show these blasters openly as there are members of the public who will mistake them as the real thing. 
  3. Don’t try to play pranks with member of the public with your blasters like running into a bank or school in costume and scream: “This is a STICK UP!” 
  4. Respect your toy replica guns as rare item. As a general rule, the authorities don’t allow anything that looks remotely like a gun into any known civilization unless it is been proven it is harmless and it is a toy. 
  5. Threatening people and trying to rob with toy guns do LAND the would-be perpetrator in jail ! (Applies to every civilized country as well) 
  6. Most important of all, do exercise self-ownership of your toy replicas and always be accountable for your actions.

    Good Public Conduct Suggestion for Players

    (1)  Speak politely-
    Members of the public might not be as well-informed, they’ll ask questions & certainly speculate who you are.
    You are welcome to let them know what is all about in a polite, informative tone. 
    (2)  Don't damage public property-
    Do practise responsibility when you are using public property.
    (3)  Don't hit or swear at the public-
    The Internet is awesome and information travels fast. Even faster for negative ones.
    All players, experienced or inexperienced are unofficial representatives 
    of the Nerf community.

    Your conduct will be the yardstick by which the Public will measure from.

Ideas for Nerf Games

Location- Depends on your idea / theme of game

Factors to consider-
i.) Safety ?
(if any emergency occur, how fast to get help?)
ii.) Private Property or not ?  
iii.) Public Image Projection ?  
iv.) Permission ?

The rules of "Blaster Craft":

1.) Blasters are the Stars of your theme.

2.) Blasters are like Car Engines; the bigger the better!

3.) Get Creative with your Blasters  

4.) Leave trail of awe among your friends......

This is BS ( Yes, pun intended), 

signing off !

Monday, March 25, 2013

Blaster Shogun's Safety Suggestions

Personally would prefer to be shown as less than serious character.

The world is as serious as it is already ;)

However there are some uncompromising stand = 1.) Safety  2.) Respect of Law & Order

As the community have their fair share of players getting injured from falls, bumps and crashes, the most concerned part is the being shot by Over Powered Blasters accidentally.

Over Powered Blaster is defined as Blaster that have been modified beyond the realm of plausible relative safety standard. It is capable of causing bruising, or drawing blood. ( At least, in this book)

Utmost discretion is a non-negotiable standard when comes to dealing with the above.

Ultimately the whole idea of Nerf Wars / Nerf Games is about getting to gather and having fun.

Wanna get injured and show off as a "Badge of Courage" ?

Join a hockey / rugby team !

Eye protections, for example like Safety Goggles is to be worn when in play.

If feeling generous, can always get really good one like the
ESS NVG :)  So strong that it stops REAL Bullets !!!

Check it out :

Shoes = Get a pair of sneakers at the very least.
Hurts like hell when wearing a pair of Flip-Flops and running is somewhat impaired.

Okay, that will be all for now.
This is the Blaster Shogun signing off !

Will be talking about LAW & ORDER 
next time round :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

NerfSG's saga into circa 2010 to 2011

NerfSG as a community of Nerfer ( Nerf + Players ) went into following years 2010 - 2011, forming many groups of camaraderie and establishing regular game event @ every Halloween :)

Click on the links below to view :)

NerfSG Halloween 2010

NerfSG Halloween 2011

This community has come a long way from a rag-tag bunch of players indeed to a cohort of veteran players  :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

NerfSG's Honoured Beginnings

Personally I am duty bound to HONOUR NerfSG, because it is these folk that went thru' thick and thin to form what it is today.

The credits goes to Many players ( Some of which have moved since in life and some still playing Nerf ). Thanks for the support and time given :-)

NerfSG's First Nerf War ( Circa 2009)

NerfSG's BIG Building War ( Circa 2009)



I made this blog in response to the different number of Nerf Blogs out there.
With Nerfings that goes from 2008 to 2012, why not posts the countless musings I encountered over the years. :)

I have been organising for NerfSG, a Nerf Community in Singapore, established in 2008.

Here is the URL for NerfSG :

I personally have learnt many invaluable lessons from these Nerf war games, like firm refereeing, moderate the power of the foam blasters versus the safety of the players or how to design Nerf war games objectives to excite the players.

One of my own dictum is the idea of "Borderless", that is credited to Mr Jack Welch.

This allows Nerf games to be taken on new levels of play.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
What is fun of repeating the same style of play like "Team Tag Match" ?

Also known as "Team Death Match" in reference to the game mode in many known First Person Shooter PC games.

**Ponders a while**

Yes, I agree that "TTM" / "TDM" is great mindless fun.
It will become boring & monotonous after repeated game plays, maybe in a matter of six games ?

Which is why sometimes one has to go and read on famous battles, then adapt to Nerf gameplay scenario accordingly. 

The Library and the Internet is one huge source.

Okay, I will stop for now. 
In case, I get plastered for having a "Wall of Text or TL/DR.

Good day for now !